
Jun 4, 2009

First LiveJournal Post

Well I've never written one of these things before so please excuse my eventual ramblings... also my spelling SUCKS so dont expect too much in that category...

My name's Emma, I'm 17 and I'm in my last year of school! AT LAST!

I still dont really see the point in school... I mean like uni could probably be a liiiittle bit helpful but high school, not so much. I mean like I want to teach English in Japan so when am I ever ever gonna need to know what the formula for the 95% confidence interval is ... thats right NEVER!!! (you can probably tell that I really hate maths)

anywho... I have now re-started taekwondo at my old primary school... its so fun! when I quit I was a blue belt with 2 stripes (about half way to black) and that was like what... 7 years ago? well anyway the instructer guy said that if I can show him my certificates I could jump straight up to blue belt. making me the second most senior person in the class which meant that I had to yell random stuff in korean that I dont actually know the full meaning of. back to my story... we were doing free sparring (no pads) and I went to kick my friend kieran and (of course) he blocked me... however kieran isnt all that spectacular at blocking yet so all he really managed to do was punch me in the foot. It HURT!!! and today it is completely swollen and I feel like screaming when I step on it.

I'm also doing this english assignment at the moment on vampires... weirdest assignment I've done in my life... its baisically a film proposal for a steam punk version of a vampire legand... and if I may say so myself... mine is AWESOME! (not to be up myself but its like the best assignment I've ever done)

speaking of awesome school stuff... I got 91% on my last maths test! OMG!!! it was the second highest mark in the class (the highest was 92%)

well I'm actually suppposed to be finishing my english assignment at the moment so I must go!

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