
Oct 15, 2009

THE TITLE- my creativity generator is in for repairs

I just realised how un-informative my last entry was...
Basically I have 4 english assignments left, a japanese oral and tonns of study left to do in the space of one week and one day... summary? I PROCRASTINATE TOO MUCH

yesterday was mums birthday so my family and half of Rozzy's family (Rozzy and her mum) went out to dinner at Hog's Breath (seriously its much better than the name sounds).

right now I'm sitting next to my most amazing and bestest friend in the whole world Iona (you can definately tell that I wasn't told to say that =P)


On Sunday I went to see Mao's Last Dancer with Rozzy. It was seriously the best dance movie I have seen in my life *epic sigh* I WANT TO DO BALLET AGAIN!!!

well I am going on MLIA now should go and get some work done.


EDIT- This was in fact posted at 8:33am on the 15th of October THE COMPUTER LIES!!!


Nona-blu said...

Yessss I love this post... I know hey, Iona is just the most incredible person ever.

Anonymous said...

So I here u lyk mudkipz?


Rozzy said...

:( I feel unloved. You like Iona more than me?? lol jk
I had fun at Hog's Breath and at the movies :) If you actually like READ and COMMENTED on storkspace you would see that i actually wrote about that too (the movie I mean).
Lol some very unsubtle hints there. I am awesome.

Emma's Land of Cupcakes said...

I did read it! I actually stole your mao's last dancer link from it