
Oct 29, 2009

To the Hospital!

Today, my decision was that I would make a serious effort to actually get some study done before my HUGE exams in half a week... unfortunately, some of my friends had other ideas... I was ambushed by Luke, Ben and Scott all of whom had come over to do 'physics study' (basically translated this means annoy Emma, make a mess, light deodorant on fire, infiltrate Emma's room, go through all the photos on Emma's phone and do burnouts outside Emma's house).

Once again, I am about to treck over to the hospital so that I can get allergy tests... seriously how many times can I end up going there in one year?

Anyway, our hospital just got some paper work stuff because before now they weren't allowed to test for penicillin. Apparently there is a whole bunch of people getting tested so at least I'm not the only one!

Thats all for now.

1 comment:

Nona-blu said...

You haven't written anything here for ages now... tut tut!