
Oct 4, 2009

what? I haven’t been on here for a whole week!?

I just realised that I actually haven’t been on here for a whole week! OMG!

I seriously cant be bothered trying to write everything that I’ve done over the time that I haven’t been on here so I’ll just stick with what I’ve done in the past two days.

On Friday we went to see UP as big group (the big group being ‘the bench’) and it was AWESOME. It’s both really really sad and fall-off-your-seat funny at the same time. After the movie we all had to go buy smelly sticks for my mum.

Yesterday me and Claire did a photo shoot at the government library in the city. It was fun… but a little bit weird…

well that’s all for now!

I have a Japanese trial exam tomorrow :(


Nona-blu said...

lol smelly sticks...

Up was so cool, Claire was so funny, sobbing and then cracking up with laughter...

trial exams... I fail. At study.

Rozzy said...

Gah, I hate trial exams! I'm going to fail at maths :(
UP was awesome though. SQUIRREL!