
Feb 7, 2010

[insert title]

(I re-read this a week after I wrote it and I can tell I was very tired when I wrote it… my grammar is horrible)

changes in red

OK. I am actually gonna make an effort to actually update this more regularly.

Why am I writing in italics you may ask? simply because I felt like it.

well, yesterday was two of my friends’ birthday parties. (they’re twins)

During the night I swapped clothes with one of my best friends and then swapped back, got lots of different types of alcohol spilled on me, became a footrest for about 7 people, got picked up (as in picked up off the ground) and spin spun around 4 times, got asked if I wanted to kiss someone and nearly fallen fell off a chair (keep in mind that I wasn't one of the ones drinking)

Today I cleaned my room and bought a translator. It’s not very good though so I’m going to return it tomorrow.


I just realised I completely forgot to complain. I mean that was the entire reason for actually writing this post. Well, I’ve been working at a bar at night time. Until 3am to be specific. Because of this my sleeping pattern has been totally messed up. To add to it all, I did a dance class yesterday (I haven’t done one is a while) so now I can barely move. The paaaaaain.

Jan 28, 2010

just a quick update :)

Yesterday I started working at a bar in a 5 star hotel/casino. I have known that the casino is a 5 star place for many years and I am quite aware that I am working there. However, 5 hours into my shift tonight I managed to put them both together and realised how awesome working there would look on my resume.

The uniforms are pretty cool too. For the bar that I work at (there are about 5 in total) I wear a blue shirt, black pants and a very very long apron that makes me appear to be wearing a floor length skirt. The shirts have a kind of mandarin style collar that goes into a v-neck that allows the well endowed to show their stuff. The sleaves are supposed to be half arm length but for some reason mine go down to almost my wrists. There isn't really anything special about the pants except that they have a cool front crease (from ironing them that way). Although our shirts are supposed to have v-necks one of mine randomly doesn't. I have been told that it used to belong to one of the guys that used to work in that bar which would also explain the length of the shirt. The best thing I should mention is that I don't have to wash my uniform. That’s right, the hotel washes it for me. (yes I know you all hate me right now)

Not only are my clothes cleaned and ironed for me but I also get fed on my breaks. Which is good because they only go for half an hour and there wouldn’t be enough time to go and find food and then eat it too.

So far I have:

  • Made friends with a 'bar useful' whom I also discovered is only about 6 months older than me
  • Been teased by security guards that were telling me that I was in huge trouble for something that I had supposedly done. They then told me to go make them coffee
  • cleaned the entire bar
  • polished every glass in the place (found old lipstick marks on about 3 of the ones on the shelf)
  • been given two tours of the ‘behind the scenes of the hotel’
  • put someone on water (ie. they weren’t allowed to drink anymore alcohol in the entire casino)
  • broken a glass
  • learned how to properly poor beer
  • did the same with champagne
  • etc
  • etc

That's all for now. I will make an effort to update this more regularly but I cant make any promises :)

Jan 14, 2010

guess this means a new life?

First of all I will appologise for my surpreme lazyness in updating (and also for the non-interestingness [I invented a word!] of this one) secondly... I GOT INTO UNI!!! This means that at last I'll be making the big move away from home and to another state At the moment I'm researching places to stay for a semester until my mum can get organised with a house. Once I actually move I assume that what I write will get a bit more interesting :)

Jan 1, 2010

Sick Sick Sick

From the title you are probably guessing that I am sick and guess what... your right! It all started on Saturday where I had a tight feeling in my chest that continued through to Sunday night where it developed into a cough. Since then I been lying on the floor pretty much all day not really wanting to move and having VICKS rubbed onto my back. (not that it really helped with my cough but it just feels really nice :]) This is how the sick ness has been going so there are times when I am convinced that I am dying and then times where I wonder why on earth I'm lying on the floor doing nothing. That's all for now! Happy new year and there's only 2 weeks till I turn 18! O.O

Dec 26, 2009

I’ll write more soon, I promise!!!

Found this on my desktop…it entertained me


Dec 10, 2009


It’s about 9:30pm at the moment and the most epic storm is going on outside. Seriously, I think it’s the loudest storm I have ever heard in my life.

Today I did…… nothing. but I made a pie for lunch out of all the left over food in the fridge. mmmmmm pie tastes good :)

EDIT: It sounds like my house is just gonna fall over!

Dec 9, 2009

Time for catching up

Okey dokey time to catch up on my laziness.

I arrived home from Cairns on the weekend to discover that my mum had graciously decided to clean my room for me :)

Cairns was AWESOME. It was seriously a great way to spend time with all my friends seeing as next year one of us is moving to Italy and the following year we split up all over the country.

Moving away is a pretty frightening thought actually. After living at home for the past 17 years I can’t even begin to imagine what it will be like to live by myself. Of course, I got a bit of practise in Cairns with just the four of us living in one little apartment without parents (YES!!!) but that was only for 10 days and we had our own share of disputes between some people.

All in all though it was a really good holiday. I don’t want to get too sentimental but I think it was the best way to farewell everyone.

Mum is thinking of moving away to another state next year so I’m going to have to find somewhere to live :(

that’s all for now!


Dec 2, 2009

Great Barrier Reef

As the title suggests, today we all went to the great barrier reef to go snorkelling. It. Was. AWESOME.
We had to wake up really really early cause the bus was picking us up at 7. Claire and I set the alarm for 6 but after I woke up at 6:15 we realised that we had slept through the alarm (Rozzy and Alex heard it) even though it was about 30cm from my head.
Before we could go into the water we had to be given a small talk on where we could wear our stinger suits and where we had to take them off (wet and dry areas on the boat) and general information on how to snorkel. Basically the rules were;
-Don’t breath through your nose when wearing the mask
-Don’t try to breath through your snorkel if your a metre under the water
-If a turtle swims through your legs don’t look at it cause your snorkel will go under the water and you will drown.
The first reef we went to Michaelmas Cay. It had a small island that was especially for birds so we could only go onto a small 10x1 (yes 1) metre stretch.
After this reef we all came inside and had lunch. Unfortunately no photos were taken of this event. :(
Then we were off to Hastings reef. This one had no beach so you were either swimming to keep yourself above the water or you had to go and sit back on the boat. The was also a glass bottom boat ride.
Then we were off back home!
Photos!!! (press play to watch)

Nov 30, 2009


To celebrate the extreme awesomeness of finally finishing school I have trekked all the way over to Cairns to have some fun (hopefully)
soooo far I have broken my laptop and had it fixed, swam in the ocean, watched more than my fair share of Disney movies and Scrubs and eaten lots of junk food…
I wont bore you will all of the details (more because I am simply too lazy) so here are some photos that will tell the story for me.
(click on them to view them larger)
PB260021 PB260036 PB260046 PB260062 PB260070 PB270092 PB270102 PB280209 PB280220 PB270185 PB280250 PB270156  PB290289 PB290288 PB290316 PB290323 PB290334 PB290352 PB290342 PB300394 PB300400 PB300405 PB300412

Nov 24, 2009

Official Graduate!

Last night was my school graduation :)

Our year group is the biggest ever to graduate from my (ex)school. Because of this we had to have our ceremony in a totally different place from usual which (in my opinion) wasn’t as good.

there isn’t that much to report on it so I’ll just add the group photo that we had taken
