
Jun 17, 2009

Post number 2 (no I'm not gonna number them all)

Well right now I'm sitting in my english class with HEAPS of work to do... but... I cant be stuffed right now.


Last week of school! I got the bands on my braces changed yesterday so my teeth HURT... but its ok cause they will be G O N E in 5 weeks time HOORAY!

well on the weekend I was going through a box of old stuff cause I didnt want to do my japanese assignment and I found my year four journal... its so funny! I cant believe how cool I was when I was 10! its got stuff written about everything from some guy called sonny abusing my next door neighbour so me finding a bag surrounded by condoms... I would so have loved to be my teacher back then!

Today is my old primary schools concert so I'm going with one of my best friends, Rosie. I love watching all the little kids... they are so cute!

well I've run out of things to say so I'll sign out here

matta ne!

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